Meet the Creator

Hi ,

I'm KARIMI( first name NELLY) - A play on my name and the sweet way my younger brother mispronounced my name when he was 2…LELLI NELLI was born. All the cute feels.I know ;-).

Anyway.. I am the multi-hyphenate CREATIVE responsible for the Design, Visuals and Marketing done on this site. I enjoy appreciating beauty and the unique ways it presents itself to us. I am practically a bounty hunter when it comes to finding beautiful things for fair prices and creating aesthetically pleasing visuals with them.

So in this unique way Capitalism and I have joined hands.Creating a space for others to experience them as well and share in my fashion curation. Let your inner child come out to play. You have only one life after all. Shouldn’t it be enjoyed?

So let's make a deal.I find beautiful things, I take pictures of said beauty. If you like it, you buy it and I promise to give you little gifts with your purchases because you totally deserve it. Sounds good?


Chat later babes xx

Have a look at my other creative ventures


Short Films


Photography • Short Films • Writing •